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Make Your Summer Plans Now

One key opportunity for making yourself a competitive college applicant is using your summer breaks as a time for academic enrichment. Virtually every college in the country offers high school students a chance to study on its campus, and it seems as if applications for 2022 summer programs have been posted earlier than usual this year.

Pre-college programs come in a myriad of flavors: both free and pricey (although many offer financial aid), one week to an entire summer, commuter and residential, and covering a broad range of subject matter. Some of these programs have early deadlines, so get going now!

What follows is a small sampling of programs scheduled to take place this summer in California:

UCI Summer Surgery Program

Exposes students to live surgery, teaches surgical skills, stimulates interest in medicine.

COSMOS California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science

An intensive four-week residential program for students with an aptitude for STEM.

Summer of Art

Four weeks of an immersive, collegiate-level creative curriculum.

EPIC Summer Camp Engineering Possibilities in College

A five-day residential program exploring the many career opportunities for engineers including engineering classes, speakers, and projects.

Summer Research Academies

Students earn college credits in a four-week course in which they take part in project-based, directed research in STEM, Humanities, and the Social Sciences.

Introduction to College Writing

Participating in-person or virtually, students in this three-week program will learn to write at the college level.

California State Summer School for the Arts

Rigorous, pre-professional training in the fields of animation, dance, film, music, visual arts, theater, or writing. A four-week residential program in which students earn college credit.

Annenberg Youth Academy for Media and Civic Engagement

A four-week program in which students will be exposed to first-year college-level courses in media communication and journalism topics.


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