Make Your Summer Plans Now
One key opportunity for making yourself a competitive college applicant is using your summer breaks as a time for academic enrichment. Virtually every college in the country offers high school students a chance to study on its campus, and it seems as if applications for 2022 summer programs have been posted earlier than usual this year.
Pre-college programs come in a myriad of flavors: both free and pricey (although many offer financial aid), one week to an entire summer, commuter and residential, and covering a broad range of subject matter. Some of these programs have early deadlines, so get going now!
What follows is a small sampling of programs scheduled to take place this summer in California:
UCI Summer Surgery Program
Exposes students to live surgery, teaches surgical skills, stimulates interest in medicine.
COSMOS California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science
An intensive four-week residential program for students with an aptitude for STEM.
Available at UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, and UC Santa Cruz.
Summer of Art
Four weeks of an immersive, collegiate-level creative curriculum.
EPIC Summer Camp Engineering Possibilities in College
A five-day residential program exploring the many career opportunities for engineers including engineering classes, speakers, and projects.
Summer Research Academies
Students earn college credits in a four-week course in which they take part in project-based, directed research in STEM, Humanities, and the Social Sciences.
Introduction to College Writing
Participating in-person or virtually, students in this three-week program will learn to write at the college level.
California State Summer School for the Arts
Rigorous, pre-professional training in the fields of animation, dance, film, music, visual arts, theater, or writing. A four-week residential program in which students earn college credit.
Annenberg Youth Academy for Media and Civic Engagement
A four-week program in which students will be exposed to first-year college-level courses in media communication and journalism topics.