The University of California--One Size Does Not Fit All
One of the great things about applying to schools that are part of the University of California system is that you only have to fill out...
Why Colleges Don't Want Well-Rounded Students
Well-rounded is out. Angular is in. In terms of extracurricular activities, rather than recruiting those who do a little bit of a lot...
The (Shorter) Road to Medical School
The prospect of paying for college is more than enough to strike fear in the hearts of parents with kids in high school. What if your...
The Two-Question FAFSA?
Some educators believe that the complexity of the FAFSA presents an obstacle to many who would otherwise apply to college. Does the form...
FINALLY--A College Goes Test-Blind!
Although many colleges are test optional, Hampshire is taking the next step – they won’t consider test scores at all. Read all about it....
Picking The Right Classes To Be College-Ready Part 2
UC, CSU, A-G. These are three sets of letters you will want to become familiar with if you have or are a student looking to be...
Picking the Right Classes to Be College-Ready Part 1
One important reason to begin readying your child for college--years in advance of applying—is to ensure that s/he chooses the right...
Do You Want Your Child To Attend The "Best" College Or The "Right" College? #college #bestcollege #rightcollege #bestfit
I Don't Know What To Write About: The Elusive College Admissions Essay Topic
While there’s no shortage of internet lists of college essay must dos and must don’ts, few address the real issue that students face when...
The Drama of College Arts Programs
Sure, they have to go through the same application rigmarole as everyone else, but students pursuing visual and performing arts degrees...
Prestigious College With No Financial Aid or Full Ride From Lesser-Known School--Which Would You Cho #fullscholarship #prestigiouscollege
Although the number of test-optional schools is growing, most colleges still require students to submit standardized test scores. All...
Letting Go
Your student has been accepted to college. Time to heave a sigh of relief? Not so fast. Settling into college life is a process in...
Time For a Reality Check
Parents, teachers, and college counselors are not in the job of crushing students’ dreams. But, we may be doing students a disservice if...
Show Me The (College) Money!
Did you know that students can get scholarships long before their senior year in high school? Yep, there are college scholarships that...
If The School Fits...
It’s not about a familiar name or reputation. Every student is a unique creature with his or her own set of emotional, social, and...
The Importance of Failure--Inspiring Commencement Speech
By far the most inspiring commencement speech of this graduation season. Charlie Day makes an eloquent case for the importance of failure....
The Bill of Wrongs: 10 Things That Should Absolutely, Positively NEVER Influence Your College Choic
News flash: When it comes to college, one size does not fit all. A "great" college isn't great unless it's a place where you can be...
Why Colleges Are Like Soft Drinks
If you’re old enough to remember The Pepsi Challenge, you will recall that while consumers bought way more Coca-Cola, in a blind test,...